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Thermal springs

Complete relaxation

Pools with hot thermal water are just a few hours away from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Paratunka is a balneo-therapeutic resort with chloride-sulfate, sodium and siliceous waters, located just 30 km from downtown. A 50-minute drive will take you to the Paratunka river valley, with numerous spa and health resorts lined up along the motorway. Most pools are outdoors and open 24/7. A special delight is having a swim in the hot curative water on a winter night, when everything around you is covered with multimeter banks of snow, a cloud of hot steam rising above the pool and stars shining up in the skies. Relaxing in such a natural spa will warm up both your body and your soul. The natural water is so hot that there's no risk of freezing, even in the biting cold outside. That's why Paratunka health resorts usually have at least two pools, the second one filled with cooler water.

  • Baths are taken one hour before eating or half an hour after a light breakfast.
  • If you have any unpleasant feelings before, after or during a procedure, report it immediately to the doctor.
  • ·
  • The water should not cover the heart area.
  • Rest for half an hour after taking a bath because mineral water continues working after you finish taking a bath.
  • Do not combine mineral baths with visits to a Russian bath-house or sauna.
  • It is not advisable to consume strong alcoholic beverages during hydrotherapy.

Life-giving water

Zelenovskie Ozerki is an equally popular recreation camp located 50 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Hundreds of people come here every day to improve their health. It features not only a specially-equipped pool, but also individual bathtubs so that every visitor can adjust the water temperature to their liking. Local thermal waters have a complex chemical composition, but radium and hydrogen sulphide provide the main curative effect. They improve the immune system and cardiac function, heal wounds, flush toxins from the body and are potent anti-inflammatory and sedative agents. After warming up in a hot bath, you can dive into a cold spring-fed lake. No matter the season, the water temperature in it is about 6 °С. This temperature contrast is very refreshing and boosts your energy.

Hot thermal springs are the pride of the Nalychevo Nature Reserve, located 70 km to the north of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The easiest and quickest way to get to Nalychevo Valley is by helicopter (20-25 min.). Some 200 springs come to the surface here, in the midst of the majestic cones of active and extinct volcanoes, and their temperatures can be as high as 75 °С. The water of Nalychevo Springs are of a rare hydro-chemical type that has no equivalent in the world. They heal cuts and wounds, increase metabolism and are highly efficient at healing musculoskeletal diseases. Above all, they are great for general bodily revitalisation. According to ancient legend, you will gain beauty, health and eternal youth if you dive into the waters of Nalychevo Springs at early dawn.

It is not advisable to remain in thermal water more than 15 to 30 minutes.

Country thermal sources are not far from the active Mutnovsky volcano and tourists usually rest there after the long ascent up the fire-breathing mountain. These sources are often called the Little Valley of Geysers because a natural pool with mineral water and blue clay is located in the middle of a fumarole field. Hundreds of jets of steam and gas erupt from all around the ground, and it is hard to believe that this is not on some other planet. The scenery is just fantastic.

The springs near the village of Esso, nicknamed Kamchatka's Switzerland for the beauty of its surrounding landscapes, also have their admirers. You can swim in the hot pool all year round, enjoying the views of scenic valleys and the snow-covered summits of the Kozyrevsky mountain range. Others believe that the most beautiful sources are located right in the caldera of the Ksudach volcano, situated on the shore of Lake Klyuchevoye. There are no permanent baths here, but digging a pit in the hot sand is an easy task. The water temperature reaches 70 °C, so bathers add cold water from the lake.

Those who prefer hotter water opt for Opalinskiye springs: here the water temperature reaches 72°C.

Khodutkinskiye Springs feed the waters of Goryachaya, the hot thermal river that never freezes up, even in wintertime, and fans of these springs consider them the best place to take baths. However, everybody agrees on one thing: in Kamchatka, everyone can choose a perfect place of their own to relax outdoors in the midst of virgin nature, and no conventional spa centre can compare to this beauty.

Health resorts in Paratunka

A standard outdoor pool of therapeutic water is open all year round and, for those staying in health resorts, 24 hours a day. What is it? You have to pay an admission fee if, instead of staying at a health resort, you come here for the day. Pool water is usually diluted: hot thermal water is artificially cooled by mixing it with cold well water. One of the big advantages of thermal pools is that water never stands still: the pipe that brings water into the pool from a spring is not closed to make sure the temperature is always the same.

Main therapeutic indications in health resorts

  • Musculoskeletal diseases
  • Circulatory diseases
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Gynecological disorders
  • Skin diseases
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